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Understanding Compassion


Kind Little Girl Moved Homeless Man’s Heart By Giving Him A...

When a homeless man was struggling, and deeply feeling unlovable on Valentine's Day, a kind little girl brought him a cupcake, and it inspired...

Kind Young Woman Bakes Cookies For 20 Of Her Neighbors Each...

A kind high school student is baking and delivering cookies for 20 of her neighbors each month to "make someone smile." Elise Chang, a senior...

Kind Deliveryman Shoveled Snow Off The Stairs Of 87-Yr-Old Woman’s Home

During a delivery, a kind deliver driver shoveled the snow off the stairs of an 87-year-old woman's home. When Susan's 87-year-old mother noticed that someone...

Kind High School Students Invited Young Man Who Ate Lunch Alone...

After seeing a 16-year-old student eat lunch by himself each day, a kind group of classmates invited him to regularly sit with them for...

Kind 8-Yr-Old Made Keychains To Pay Off $4,000 Of His Classmates’...

A kind second grader used his free time to make and sell custom keychains, and then donated all of his profits to pay off...