Never Give Up Hope That Love Exists

When you’re struggling to believe that someone out there is going to love you the right way, don’t give up. I know that’s so much easier said than done, but having faith will make the really bad days bearable. There’s someone out there for you. Believe in love and love will find you.

You are just as amazing and worthy as you find other people to be.

Imagine how good it will feel to be truly loved.


When we deeply desire love, sometimes it is love itself that we are seeking, rather than only the love from another person.

This is where the practice of self compassion can be the way of giving ourselves the love we need and deserve.

Within we often have deeply lonely parts of ourselves, parts that have been neglected or have not received the love they needed. These parts could be hurt memories from childhood, previous relationships, or difficult experiences we had in the past.

Try sitting down for a moment, or looking at yourself in a mirror, and say, “I love you myself, I truly, truly love you. I am enough, just the way I am.” Keep repeating this to yourself over and over.

Begin to focus on the feelings and the sensation in your heart, it may feel uncomfortable at first, but keep going. The heart is where love resides. Begin to feel the sensation and the feeling of love in your heart. Once you feel it, rest your attention in this gentle and wonderful love. Then begin to move this feeling of love from your heart, to the part of you that is feeling hurt or lonely. Once you feel the feeling of love warmly embracing the hurts and the lonely part of your self, immediately the pain and loneliness starts to subside, and this part begins to open and soften.

As you practice self compassion more and more, the love becomes stronger and stronger, and these parts begin to heal.

“Repetition is the mother of learning.”

If you felt the benefit of practicing self compassion, practice it over and over, as many times as it takes, until feeling genuine love for yourself becomes a habit, and the good feelings begin to stay.

Keep going. You can do it. You are never alone, and you are deeply, deeply loved.