For every answer you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice through the United Nation’s World Food Programme to help end world hunger.
Thanksgiving is a time when loved ones and family come together to celebrate goodwill and the sharing of food with one another. It is a beautiful time of warm smiles, big hugs, lots of love and full bellies.

Yet around the world, millions of people are starving this Thanksgiving, going to bed hungry and unsure where their next meal will come from. It’s difficult to imagine that kind of life when it seems so far away, but the reality is that many very, very lovable people; children, mothers, and fathers are without food. We don’t always know how to help, but now there’s an easy and fun way to feed the world’s hungry; by playing a free online game! is an online game that was donated to the UN’s World Food Programme, and it offers trivia, English, humanities, math, chemistry, geography, and language learning topics that you can choose from to play (it’s very easy 🙂 ).

The bonus to this game is, for every correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated to feed the world’s hungry! The game has a small advertisement on the bottom, and this is how they are able to fund this wonderful charity project.

Please take a few moments to give the game a try! They even have a high score ranking where some kind players have donated close to one hundred million grains of rice to the hungry! Who thought we could have fun playing a game for a good cause 🙂
Also if you enjoy this game, please take a moment to teach a family member or friend how to play it this Thanksgiving. Maybe you have a parent or Grandpa who enjoys his time relaxing at home each day, and would love to stimulate his mind through a free trivia game (which science has shown leads to enhanced mental benefits such as prolonged memory) and to help feed the hungry at the same time.
You can play this wonderful game Free Rice by clicking here.
The compassionate Mother Teresa taught us, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one” and also, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
Let’s honor this Thanksgiving by not only feeding ourselves, but by feeding those who are without food and who need our love and support.