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Understanding Compassion


7 Meditation Tips From The Scientifically Proven ‘World’s Happiest Man’

It might not be who you expect it to be, but according to researchers Matthieu Ricard, a French genetic scientist, is the world’s happiest...

How To Naturally Detox Nicotine From Your Body

Tobacco smoke contains a deadly mix of more than 7,000 chemicals; hundreds are harmful, and about 70 can cause cancer. Smoking increases the risk...

Here Are 10 Things The Most Successful People Do Right Before...

  “We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” – William Shakespeare Most of us are captivated...

11 Amazing Things That Happen When You Embrace Being Alone

There's a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Feeling lonely is a choice; not everyone who is alone feels lonely. In fact,...

7 Ways To Ease Anxiety And Become Calm

Anxiety can be a stressful and uncomfortable experience for anyone. Learning the best way that works for us to regain our calm can be...