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Understanding Compassion


10 Year Old Helps Blind Deer Find Food Every Morning Before...

A child's compassionate heart is a beautiful thing: A neighbor in Chicago noticed one morning that a young boy was walking a blind deer...

Florida Students Perform 5,000 Acts Of Kindness In 15 Days For...

There's no such thing as a small act of kindness; every act creates a ripple with no logical end. That's what students in Florida...

Domestic Abuse Survivor Is Able To Smile Again After A Dentist’s...

After hearing about why her tooth was broken, a kind dentist decided on an act of compassion and her reaction will warm your heart. When...

Kind Union Workers From All Over America Flew To Puerto Rico...

Struggling Americans in Puerto Rico have been desperately needing help after Hurricane Maria, and the love of many kind union workers was there to...

Kind Barber Gave A Haircut On The Floor To Help A...

Since being diagnosed with Autism at 2 years old, it's been difficult for young Wyatt to get his hair cut due to his hypersensitivity...