Understanding Compassion
This Kind Man Bought A Stranger His Coffee, Told Him He...
"So I walked into Starbucks this afternoon looking to buy the new Horchata Almond Milk Frapuccino for my lady and I. This man comes...
After The Heartbreaking Events Of Charlottesville, A Stranger’s Act Of Kindness...
During a time when racism and hate were on the rise, one kind man decided to show a stranger that skin color did not...
Instead Of Skipping School, She Brought Her Brother To Class With...
"We had a family emergency type situation today that required our teenager to leave school early and pick up her little brother from his...
He Was Unable To Buy Food Until A Kind Stranger Decided...
"I was at McDonald's in Poughkeepsie, NY tonight around 10:30 getting the girl some fries and a milkshake when I noticed the guy sitting...
Child Without A Dad Couldn’t Catch Any Fish Until This Man’s...
It's important for children to have kind male role models in their lives. Cordell is a young man without a father in his life, so...