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Understanding Compassion


Kind Neighbors Rescued 21 Abandoned Dogs From Hurricane Flooding

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, many dogs had been abandoned by their owners in areas affected by serious flooding. When the...

This Kind Man Bought A Stranger His Coffee, Told Him He...

"So I walked into Starbucks this afternoon looking to buy the new Horchata Almond Milk Frapuccino for my lady and I. This man comes...

After The Heartbreaking Events Of Charlottesville, A Stranger’s Act Of Kindness...

During a time when racism and hate were on the rise, one kind man decided to show a stranger that skin color did not...

Instead Of Skipping School, She Brought Her Brother To Class With...

"We had a family emergency type situation today that required our teenager to leave school early and pick up her little brother from his...

He Was Unable To Buy Food Until A Kind Stranger Decided...

"I was at McDonald's in Poughkeepsie, NY tonight around 10:30 getting the girl some fries and a milkshake when I noticed the guy sitting...