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Understanding Compassion


Kind Young Man Mowed 50 Yards For Free For The Elderly,...

A kind young man started by mowing 50 yards for free for the elderly and veterans, and he now has his own lawn mowing...

Kind Woman Invited Stranger Who Was Eating Alone To Join Her,...

When a kind woman noticed a stranger eating by herself and looking a little lonely, she invited her to join her table and they've...

Kind Family Made Dozens Of Easter Lunches With Kind Messages And...

A kind family and their children spent their Easter making dozens of delicious lunches and giving them out to the homeless. Tony Wind, his wife...

Dave Grohl Paid For And Cooked More Than 500 BBQ Meals...

Dave Grohl is spending his free time between concerts volunteering to help feed the homeless. Dave Grohl, who was the drummer of the band Nirvana...

Kind Young Man Built A Trailer Which Gets Donations And Gives...

A kind young man is making sure his homeless neighbors have all of the daily essentials they need. Ethan Hill is a young man from...