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Understanding Compassion


Man Walked In To Huge Surprise When He Got Home: Reunited...

When Jeffrey Mayi walked through his front door in Massachusetts, he was ecstatic to see his younger brother, who lives in Florida and he...

2-Year-Old Waited All Week To Show His Heroes His New Garbage...

When a 2-year-old finally got to meet his hero garbage truck men for the first time and to show them his new toy truck,...

Kind Man Buys Homeless Father A Hotel Room For A Week...

When a single father found himself homeless after moving to a new city, a random encounter with a kind stranger helped him get his...

Kind Stranger Bought Cashier A Slip-And-Slide After Hearing Her Say She...

After hearing a cashier mention that she wasn't able to find a slip-and-slide anywhere for her kids, a kind stranger went out and bought...

Kind Woman Helped Tired Young Mother Comfort Her Crying Child So...

When a tired young mother was considering leaving a store to take her two crying children home, a kind woman came and helped comfort...