A kind-hearted employee saw an older man walking and unable to reach down to tie his shoe, so he decided to give him a hand.
At a store in Ormond Beach, Florida, an employee named Gage, generously got down and tied the undone shoelace of an older gentleman who was doing his weekly shopping.
His random act of kindness was seen by a nearby shopper, Keith Kiel, who was moved and took a quick photo of this moment of beauty. He later shared it to the company’s Facebook page wanting to praise the young man for his kindness.

“I shopped at Publix tonight at Ormond Towne Square and saw this random act of kindness. I took it quickly and I found out the employee’s name from his manager. An old man could not reach down to tie his shoe, so not only did Gage tie the one, but he did the other as well; all with a smile. I thought he should be recognized for his actions. Here is the picture I snapped on my iPhone.” Keith wrote when sharing this picture.
“I snapped this because it was so unusual to see this in a person,” he said.
This image of compassion quickly spread over social media, and hundreds of thousands of hearts were inspired by this simple, yet beautiful, act of kindness.

‘So many times people act like old people are an inconvenience, or just invisible, that this is wonderful to see. Fine young man!,’ said Sandra P. in a comment.
‘No man ever stands taller than when he kneels to help another,’ wrote Sherill V.
“Publix is lucky to have this wonderful young man,” wrote Carmen R.
Millennials are one of the kindest young generations, constantly striving to help those in need and to make the world a better place, so it’s important that we recognize their good efforts.
If you see someone this week and you think they could use a hand, take a second and make the first move; offer to help them without hesitation. What once were simple things to do in life can become increasingly difficult as we age, such as shoveling snow off the sidewalk, taking out the trash, loading groceries into the car, walking the dog, or even tying one’s shoe. Show some kindness to a neighbor, your love will surely brighten their day.
“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”
You are Loved.
See also: three millennials pulled over at the side of the road and each took turns helping a homeless man.