I Truly Appreciate Kindness. I appreciate people checking up on me. I appreciate a quick message. I appreciate those who ask if I’m okay. I appreciate every single person in my life who has tried to brighten my days. It’s the little things that matter the most. Thank You. 
Kindness is more than deeds. It’s an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person. 
When someone helps you and they’re struggling too, that’s not help, that’s Love. 
It’s such a great feeling when someone just genuinely wants to talk to you and wants to know how your life is going. 
If you find someone who makes you smile, checks up on you often to see if you’re okay, who watches out for you and wants the best for you, who loves and respects you, don’t let them go. People like that are some of the most loyal treasures you’ll ever find. 
You don’t need a reason to help people. You just need a Caring Heart. 
One of the best feelings is knowing that you’re wanted, knowing that someone wants to talk to you, wants to know how you’re doing, or wants to see you. Whether they pick up the phone to send you a quick text or stop by your house to catch up, someone or something reminded them of you especially. It just feels really nice to know that you’ve been on someone’s mind and that they care enough to let you know that. 
Life is too Short; Hug a little Longer, Love a little Stronger, Forgive a little Sooner, Smile a little Sweeter. 
The truth is that many people struggle. Some may be good at smiling through their pain in public, but behind closed doors they fight a battle every day just to survive. So don’t presume, don’t judge, and Be Kind. Always. 
Help Someone, not for the reward, but for the sake of Changing A Life. 
If you find someone who makes you smile, who checks on you often to see if you’re okay, who watches out for you and wants the very best for you, don’t let them go. Keep them close and don’t take them for granted. People like that can be hard to find and deserve time in your life. 
I never cared about the material things someone could give me. I care about Time, Attention, Honesty, Loyalty and Effort. Those gifts mean more than anything money could ever buy. 
Dearest One, I just want to let you know how much I love you. I know I’m distant often, and I don’t always show you how much I love you, but please know I always feel this way. I don’t want time to go on with you questioning or not knowing how much I Really Love You. 
I Am Grateful When night comes around, My Loved Ones are Safe, I have a Roof over my Head, a few Good Friends, Food to eat, and Love in my Heart. 
Kindness is a wonderful way to let another struggling soul know that there is still Love to be Found in this World. 
You are Loved