What Does 2019 Hold For Your Zodiac Sign?

Here is what 2019 holds for your Zodiac sign.

1. Aries

Aries is in full speed ahead mode during 2019. Ruling planet Mars enters your sign right at the start of 2019, giving you the motivation and energy you need to get things on the right track. A close friend, relative or partner is your perfect teammate this year, helping you reach your goals and supporting you when challenges arise.

Everything is aligned for you in the first few months of the year, as your strong will, optimism, kindness and enthusiasm helps to keep you focused on anything you want to accomplish. For the rest of 2019, the hard work you did will have its payoff, so keep following your heart and things will come together.

2. Taurus

If you are a Taurus, then you can expect a fairly good year ahead. Uranus enters your sign in the first half of the year and stays for the next seven, bringing potential change, learning and new opportunities. You’re well prepared to deal with anything that comes your way, so remember to stay calm, keep your feet on the ground and take everything in stride. By the end of the year, you’ll be feeling quite optimistic about these new changes and where they’re leading you. Remember to steer clear from negative self-talk, and instead focus on being kind to and loving yourself.

3. Gemini

Relationships are mirrors, sweet Gemini. With Jupiter transiting your opposite sign for most of 2019, you’ll have many wonderful opportunities for self-reflection. New ventures shall be fruitful and windows that may increase income shall open. Old relationships may be revived. Half way through the year, you have a big opportunity to heal childhood conditioning from the past, and also to heal any previous wounds related to relationships. Let this be a year of self-compassion as you nurture your inner self, and don’t be surprised if your love overflows and touches the lives of others through kindness.

4. Cancer

2019 is going to be a profound year for spiritual growth in your life. With the North Node in your sign, self-care can open up deeply important qualities that rest within your heart. Tune in to your feelings, body and heart, and really find out what they need from you at the point of your life. Listen deeply to your heart, because incredible answers are being given to you.

New things shall unfold; a new love, hobby or a grand idea for the future that sparks hope and positive change. Keep your loved ones close, and remember to communicate as kindly and gently as you can with them.

5. Leo

The lunar eclipse in your sign at the beginning of 2019 represents the letting go of an old identity and the foundation of a new, brighter and realer you. The balancing of your beautiful deep soul and your outermost personality brings even greater light into your life. Listen to your heart and let your often “secret inner world” come out to manifest within your life. After the first half of 2019, you’ll begin to feel like yourself again, but in reality you’ll have become a whole lot stronger.

Leos realize this year how blessed they are for everything in their life; Anything they do shall be successful.

6. Virgo

2019 is the year of the heart for Virgo, and home is where the heart is. With Jupiter in your fourth house, you’ll feel at home wherever you go and in whatever you do. Your relationships will become very close, tender, supporting and intimate, and your loving heart allows all of this to happen. Keep an open mind and learn everything you can while you’re deepening these relationships, because there are deeply valuable lessons to be learned that can keep this wonderful energy flowing for a lifetime. Don’t let any challenging times affect you too much. New victories are in store for you this year.

7. Libra

With a lunar eclipse in Leo and two full moons in your sign, the first half of 2019 offers plenty of opportunities for clarity, growth and self-reflection. If you’re not already filling your social circle with positive, kind, loving and like-minded people, it’s time to ask yourself how you can spend more of your time with kindred spirits who help you and support who you truly are. The second half of the year continues to be a time of self-reflection as you experience emotional release and allow yourself to be tenderly vulnerable. The personal growth you do is helps set the foundation for future happiness and joy that is surely coming your way.

8. Scorpio

With Saturn and Pluto in your third house of communication, you come to realize the power that your words have. Remember to speak from a place of love within your heart, because your true nature is that of a deeply kind and gentle person. Share the wisdom that you’ve learned with others, and if you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to be honest and to tell them that. Honesty is one of your strengths, just remember to combine it with gentleness and kindness. Let this be a year where you break down barriers and lovingly connect with others, supporting each other from the heart.

9. Sagittarius

2019 is a year of optimism, enthusiasm, open-mindedness and new opportunities for you Sagittarius. With Jupiter bringing out the best and worst of whatever your current situation is, your hopefully attitude will find the way through to success and love. Your sense of empowerment may lead you to some exciting adventures this year; if your heart agrees, make sure to accept them!

With so much energy around, remember to also keep yourself balanced and to take it easy from time to time. Take up a peaceful habit like yoga, self-love or meditation. Stay balanced and 2019 can be a great year for you.

10. Capricorn

Your hardworking tendencies really shine this year, and it’s important to know your limits and to remember to take good care of yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself when working things out, because in all reality, you’re doing a great job and have come a long way from where you were in the past. Your inner sense of joy and humor wants to come out to play this year, so honor that and treat yourself to enjoyable events and activities whenever you need. You have a real opportunity to tap into your deep inner sources of wisdom and love, and maybe even trust! Those who choose love within and without will claim love’s rewards.

11. Aquarius

2019 is a promising year of peace and calm for Aquarius. Hurts can be healed and situations, events and relationships that may have been troubling you can find their peace and solution. A much needed vacation may open your mind to a way to find peace at home. Take the time to relax, and replenish. When you’ve found your own inner peace, you’ll notice that things naturally fall into place in your life. With Uranus in your fourth house, this year could help your reinvent what family, home and belonging mean to you. You’re a very lovable person, and many people want to be around you.

12. Pisces

With Neptune in your sign Pisces, things may seem mysterious for a time, but take heart! Blessings are coming your way. Keep a positive attitude and persevere through any challenges that arise. Some amazing and unexpected support comes through the love of a friend, and may inspire you to pass on the kindness in the future. Discipline and hard work will help you this year, and clarity will show you just how strong you’ve become.