Understanding Compassion
After Only One Friend RSVP’d For Autistic Child’s Birthday Party, Kind...
After learning that a 9-year-old boy only had one friend plan to attend his birthday party, a kind high school football team showed up...
Elderly Man Just Wanted To Pet Some Dogs For His 100th...
When an elderly man shared that he just wanted to pet some dogs for his 100th birthday, his neighbors and more than 200 dogs...
Kind Man Takes Children Without Fathers On Free Group Fishing Trips;...
A kind man in Lakeland, Florida, has taken more than 1500 underprivileged children on free fishing trips. Will Dunn grew up in Miami, and had...
Kind Stranger Bought Grand Piano For Self-Taught 11-Yr-Old Autistic Genius After...
After hearing a self-taught 11-year-old with autism play the piano for his dad, a kind stranger decided to purchase him his very own grand...
14-Yr-Old Walked 6 Miles To Get To Graduation After Family Car...
After a 14-year-old walked more than 6 miles to get to his middle school graduation, the President of his local college awarded him with...