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Understanding Compassion


Kind Stranger Gave Car To Young Man Who Was Working Full...

A kind stranger gave a new car to a young man who dropped out of school in order to work and provide for his...

Kind Men Invited Lonely Elderly Woman Who Was Eating Dinner Alone...

When a group of friends noticed a lonely elderly woman eating dinner by herself at 8pm, they invited her to join their table, and...

Kind Grocer Leaves Expired Bread In A Cart Outside For The...

A kind employee makes sure to leave recently expired bread in a cart outside each day for the homeless, rather than throwing it away. While...

Kind Child Noticed Classmates Who Didn’t Have Lunches, So He Packed...

When a kind child noticed that some of his classmates did not bring a lunch to school each day, he asked his mom if...

Elderly Lady Asked Young Man If He Would Walk Her Home...

When an elderly woman was worried that she would fall while walking on an icy sidewalk, a kind young man held her hand and...