Understanding Compassion
‘Be My Eyes’ App Lets You Video Call With Blind People...
A wonderful phone application is allowing anyone to volunteer their eyes to help the blind and visually impaired. Be My Eyes is a free app...
Kind Lifeline Employee Helped Mother Sell Passed Son’s $12K Warhammer Collection,...
When a mother tried to donate her son's Warhammer collection, who had recently passed from suicide, to a lifeline store, a kind employee refused...
Kind Tow Truck Driver Fixed Tire For Man With Quadriplegia Instead...
When a disabled man's tire nearly fell off of his modified van while driving, a kind tow truck driver came to help him fix...
Humor Quiz: 10 Of The Funniest Wholesome Just For Laughs Videos
Laughing is not just an enjoyable experience, it's also healthy for our psychological state and for our bodies. Laughter decreases levels of stress hormones within...
Each Week, Kind Irish Man Makes 50 Takeout Curry Meals For...
A kind Irish man spends each Monday night making 50 curry meals for the homeless. The kind man, Brian Birkett, lives on a small pension,...