Understanding Compassion
After Homeless Man Returned Grandmother’s Lost Wallet, Her 12-Yr-Old Granddaughter Raised...
When a homeless man decided to return a grandmother's full wallet he found while digging through a dumpster for food, the elderly woman's granddaughter...
5,000 People Waited Hours In Rain For A Test To See...
More than 5,000 people queued for hours in the rain at a swabbing event in Worcester to see if they were a match for...
Kind Woman Bought Warm Meal For Grateful Homeless Lady Who Was...
When Carmen Mendez went out to eat at Raising Canes in Anaheim, California, she witnessed a homeless woman, who appeared to be on the...
Kind 10-Yr-Old Sat With Friendless Classmate During Lunch And Received Heartwarming...
When Ravi Kahlon's son came home from school in Victoria, B.C., he shared a note he had received from a lonely classmate after spending...
Texas High School Opens Grocery Store For Struggling Families; Only Accepts...
A high school in Texas is both inspiring kindness and making sure that no student goes hungry. Linda Tutt High School in Sanger, Texas, launched...