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Understanding Compassion


Kind 8-Yr-Old Gave Her Dinner To Homeless Man Sitting Outside Restaurant...

When 8-year-old Ella Scott noticed a homeless man looking "hungry and helpless" as she was about to start her meal, the kind little girl...

Kind Stranger Brings Food To A Homeless Man And Then Employs...

A kind anonymous man decided to bring a homeless person a warm meal and some dog food after seeing him sitting at the side...

11-Yr-Old Girl Meets The Bone Marrow Donor Who Saved Her Life

11-year-old Laila Anderson was able to meet, for the first time, the kind young man who donated his bone marrow so that she could...

Kind Neighbors Painted And Remodeled A Lonely 72-Yr-Old Woman’s Home

When electrician John Kinney came to repair a light socket for 72-year-old Gloria Scott in Woburn, Massachusetts, his heart told him that he needed...

‘Juice Guy’ Keeps Positive Attitude After Truck Breaks Down; Ocean Spray...

When Nathan Apodaca was on his way to work at a potato factory in Idaho, his truck unexpectedly broke down on the highway. Rather...