A formerly homeless man gave a free haircut to a younger homeless man, fed him with his own hands, gave him encouraging life advice, and even offered to help him rebuild his life when he is ready.
The young homeless man shared that he has struggled with a Meth addiction, and the kind formerly homeless man could relate as he too struggled with a crack addiction more than 15 years ago. He could also see visible wounds on the young man’s face from where someone had recently beaten him up.

During the haircut, the kind man offered constant encouragement and valuable advice.
“You should get off the streets bro! You’re a good looking dude. Get off the sh**, get off the streets, stop getting beat up. Show up for your life bro! It’s not too late, how old are you?” the kind man said.
“30,” replied the homeless man.
“Bro I was 34 when I showed up for my life,” explained the loving formerly homeless man.

“Yeah bro I had nothing bro, I had warrants for my arrest, bad credit, I was 130 pounds hooked on crack. In this last 15 years I got married, I got those two little kids right there… Yeah bro it’s not too late for you bro. Are you done or what?”
“Not done yet?” he continued. “What’s your drug of choice? Heroin?”
“Meth,” the homeless man replied.
“What’s is gonna take bro? Jail? Institutions? Death?”
“Uhhhh…. no… no.”
“Well that’s where you’re headed bro…”
“Oh yeah. That’s the end result.”
“Oh my god,” the young homeless man replied.

“Yeah, that’s it. That’s what’s coming bro.”
“Yeah I’ve got a place I can take you to when you’re ready,” the formerly homeless man loving said referring to a provided rehabilitation service. “You go to two meetings a day, you’ll have meals, you’re gonna have to do some work on yourself though.”
As the kind man spoke, the young homeless man truly listened, and it seemed that his words of love and encouragement were like rays of beautiful sunshine for this young man’s soul.

“But yeah you’ve got so much more to offer yourself bro… in life… That face! …are you kidding me…”
Everyone who watched his makeover was surprised at the young man’s incredible transformation and told him how handsome he looked.
“Wow! There’s a face underneath all that hair,” replied a woman nearby.
“You needed this! You look good!”
With each bit of praise, the young man responded with a big smile.
After the haircut, the kind man showed him his beautiful appearance like in a mirror.

“Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow,” the homeless man said after seeing his incredible looking appearance.
“You like that hair?” the older man asked him.
“Yeah I love it!” the young homeless man said with a great big smile.
The kind formerly homeless man not only gave a free haircut and fed the young homeless man, but he also encouraged his soul by showing him that even now, he can clean up his life and receive the help that he desperately needs.
This young man, who is struggling with a very difficult situation, was shown love by someone who truly understands and has been where he’s been. The older man provided him hope by showing him that it is possible to overcome addiction, and he even showed him the two cute children he has now, letting the young man know that it is possible for him to recover and belong to a loving family.
He gave this haircut to the young homeless man to give him hope, to relate to him, to set a good example, and to show the young man that he is loved and that help is here and waiting for him to accept it. This truly beautiful act of kindness planted seeds of love in the young man, which over time can lead to him healing his life.
Watch this video of the young homeless man’s beautiful makeover:
You are Loved.