Girl Scouts Troop 6000, which is comprised entirely of girls experiencing homelessness or living with their families in homeless shelters, sold enough Girl Scout Cookies to pay for 2,500 homeless girls to attend summer camp and various other activities.
During the past few years, these inspiring girls have sold more than $1.6 million worth of cookies, which benefits more than 2,500 women and girls living in 20 shelters in the Greater New York area. Their cookie sales cover all fees for the girls, including trips, summer camps and various other activities which help the young girls develop into leaders. Girl Scouts of America also helps provide support as their families transition out of homelessness.
The girls love Troop 6000 because they’re able to meet friends and kind troop leaders who have also experienced homelessness, which allows them to be in a safe space free from stigma or judgment as they have fun and learn together.

“Each week, Girl Scouts meet in shelters across the city to take part in activities that help them make new friends, earn badges, and learn to see themselves as leaders. All fees, uniforms, trips, and program materials are provided at no cost,” explains.
Girl Scouts of America has also launched the Troop 6000 Transition Initiative, which provides support and financial assistance to help the families of these girls transition into permanent housing.

“As a permanent fixture of the program, we also established the Troop 6000 Transition Initiative, which supports Girl Scouts and their families as they transition to permanent housing. The average stay for a family in a city shelter is 18 months. Remaining connected to the community and opportunities introduced to them through Troop 6000 can help facilitate a successful transition for girls and young people, and it is essential they continue to receive the financial support that allows them to do so. For Troop 6000 members, not only does Girl Scouting mean fun, it means consistency and community – a network of supportive peers and adults who, even if they’ve never met before, have similar experiences and are part of the same club.”

If you’re thinking about buying Girl Scout cookies this year, consider supporting these inspiring young girls in Troop 6000.
Watch this heartwarming and inspiring video of the girls in Troop 6000 who are overcoming homelessness and learning leadership skills:
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