Thank You Dr. Fauci for guiding us and helping us stay safe through this pandemic. We deeply appreciate all of your hard work and dedication. A BIG THANK YOU!
As we face the greatest pandemic of the century, one kind man has offered consistent, reliable and science-based guidance on how we can keep ourselves healthy and safe.
“No one is denying the fact that we are going through a very, very difficult time right now,” Dr. Fauci said of the current crisis.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH) for 36 years and is one of the top and most trusted medical experts in the country.
In order to help us during this difficult time, the hero 79-year-old has been working 20-hour days with an average of 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night.
“You’re lucky if you get to bed before midnight,” said Dr. Fauci. “And then you get up at 4 or 5 in the morning.”
From daily news briefings and interviews to leading the NIH in creating a coronavirus vaccine, Dr. Fauci has been working harder than anyone to provide up to date information to congress and to people around the country.
Hundreds of millions of us are deeply grateful for the amount of effort and leadership Dr. Fauci has shown.
Warren Buffett praised Dr. Fauci recently during his opening remarks of Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting:
“Thank you Dr, Fauci,” Buffett said. “Personally I feel extraordinarily good about being able to listen to Dr. Fauci, whom I’d never heard of a year ago. I think we’re very, very fortunate as a country to have somebody at 79 years of age, appears be able to work 24-hours a day and keep a good humor about him and communicate in a very, very, straightforward matter about fairly complex subjects and tell you when he knows something and when he doesn’t know something.”
NBA superstar Stephen Curry, who has been active in providing meals for children in need during the pandemic, held an Instagram Live where he personally thanked Dr. Fauci.
“Thank you again – you and your entire team – for protecting all of us,” Curry said.
During an interview, Dr. Fauci was jokingly asked who he would want to play him if Saturday Night Live were to feature a segment on the pandemic. With a laugh he replied, “Brad Pitt of course.”
After hearing this and because of his deep respect for Dr. Fauci, Brad Pitt said he would work with SNL to play the role. At the end of the hilarious segment, Brad Pitt gave a heartfelt thank you to the doctor on T.V.

“And to the real Dr. Fauci thank you for your calm and your clarity in this unnerving time and thank you to the medical workers, first responders and their families for being on the front line,” Pitt said.
Dr. Fauci has proven to be a champion of the pandemic, guiding us and helping to keep us all safe and healthy. Let’s each give him a big thank you to let him know how much he is appreciated.
You are Loved.
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