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Understanding Compassion


Loving College Student Moved Paralyzed Dad To His Dorm Room So...

Guo Shijun is not your average college student. The 20 year old had a tough childhood, as his mother was left mentally disabled when...

In San Francisco, Buses Are Being Turned Into Showers To Help...

Most everyone will agree that a warm shower is one of life's great enjoyments, but not everyone is able to have a shower each...

His Wife Took This Photo And Then Wrote This Viral Message...

True love in a relationship can often have many meanings, and the things we learn about couples from television and movies aren't necessarily what...

Kind Man Dresses Up As Santa Each Year And Hands Out...

Erica Chellew was out shopping when she encountered a man in the line who had his cart filled with stuffed animals. Curious, she asked...

Add White Vinegar To Your Laundry For These Unexpected Benefits (I...

Distilled white vinegar is a common kitchen ingredient that can be found in just about any kitchen in every home. While it is usually...