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Understanding Compassion


Kind 6-Year-Old Girl Uses Her Lemonade Stand to Pay Off Other...

Amiah Van Hill is a second grader with a heart of gold who wants to pay off the student lunch debt for...

Former CEO Opened $30-million Home to 70 Foster Kids Displaced by...

When 70 foster children did not have anywhere else to go, they found a home in an unlikely place: a millionaire’s mansion. Marc Bell received...

He Held The Door Open For A Lady, Who Saw His...

Sometimes a chance meeting becomes the setting for a beautiful act of compassion. Such was the case when just as he was leaving work,...

Kind Neighbors Go The Extra Mile For Hurricane Irma Evacuees

With millions ordered to evacuate their homes during Hurricane Irma, the kindness and support of neighbors was the rainbow during stormy skies. Members of the...

Kind Hearted 9-Year-Old Boy Ran Up And Paid For Hurricane Evacuee’s...

When a young boy noticed a car in front of him in a drive thru had license plates from a state recently affected by...