Understanding Compassion
Kind Strangers Gave Their Own Concert Tickets To Mother And Two...
When a young mother and her children learned that the tickets they had bought to a concert were for a different date, three kind...
Kind Man Paid Off The Student Loans Of Entire Graduating Class;...
A kind man surprised the graduating class at Morehouse College by announcing that he would be paying the entirety of all student loans owned...
Kind Landlord Gave Home To Tenant Who Rented It For 23...
After a kind man moved into a nursing home, he decided to gift his rental property to his tenant who had rented from him...
Kind Billionaire Is Giving $1 Million Each Week To Various Nonprofits...
Rob and Karen Hale of Boston, MA, have been giving $1 million each week to dozens of truly wonderful charities and nonprofits in order...
Kind Man Noticed Neighbor Looked Tired After Work, So While Mowing...
When a man noticed his neighbor looked really tired after coming home from work at the hospital, after he mowed his own lawn, he...