Understanding Compassion
Kind Man Gave $40 To Stranger After Her Car Ran Out...
When a kind man met the nurse's aide who cared for his mother during her final days, they realized they had met several years...
Kind Shuttle Driver Packs 8 Extra Lunches Each Day To Give...
When a homeless man asked a bus driver for some food, the kind driver gladly gave him a sack lunch and water he had...
Kind Veteran Sold His Medals To Help Fund £200,000 Cancer Treatment...
When a former royal marine saw a post online about a 4-year-old girl who's parents needed to raise £200,000 for her cancer treatment, he...
Child Asked Kind Waiter If He Would Visit Him After His...
When a child asked a kind waiter if he could come say hi to him after his surgery, the kind man promised he would...
Kind Man Paid For The Groceries Of 15 Random Strangers At...
Two kindhearted men spent their day waiting in grocery lines and paying for the groceries of strangers in front of them. Mike Lewis called a...