Understanding Compassion
After Seeing Homeless Man’s Shoes With Ends Cut Off So They’d...
When a young man saw a homeless person's toes sticking out the ends of his shoes, he took off his own pair and gave...
Kind Young Man Used His Free Buffet Ticket To Take A...
When a young man attending a conference won a free buffet ticket in Las Vegas, he decided to use it by taking a grateful...
Kind Man Brought Local Homeless Man To His First Football Game...
A kind Pittsburgh fan used the extra ticket he had to bring a homeless man to the first NFL football game of his life. Ernest...
Kind Gas Attendant Used His Day’s Wages To Pay For Fuel...
When a woman realized that she had left her bank card at home and could not fill her empty gas tank, a kind service...
Kind Bus Driver Stopped Bus To Help Walk A Blind Man...
When a bus driver noticed that new street construction was in the path of a blind man, he stopped his bus and went outside...