Dave Grohl is spending his free time between concerts volunteering to help feed the homeless.
Dave Grohl, who was the drummer of the band Nirvana and is the current singer and guitarist of the band Foo Fighters, showed up around midnight at Hope The Mission in Los Angeles and spent the next 18 hours barbecuing meals for the homeless.

Dave paid for the ribs, pork, brisket, cabbage, coleslaw and beans, and even brought a huge meat smoker on a trailer to cook the meat in.

After everything was cooked and prepared, he stayed to hand the meals out to and talk with the homeless.

“We’ve been trying to figure out ways to keep up with our activations and continue to put out 3,500 meals a month. It’s not an easy task, especially when several communities experiencing food insecurity rely on us for a decent meal five times a week. On one of those wet and cold rainy days we received a text from none other than Dave Grohl. He said he heard about what we were doing and wanted to help out. We threw him into an upcoming activation. He spent 18 hours straight smoking brisket, ribs and pork—with a cooking crew. They stayed up all night and into the sunrise. The next day Dave and his team, exhausted and sleep deprived—packed up the food and drove it to MacArthur Park. All they had to do was drop it off and leave, however they decided to stay and work the line—serve the BBQ with our crew until everyone at the park was fed. If that ain’t a hero we don’t know what is,” feedthestreets_la shared in a post online.
Dave has made it a habit to do what he can to help the homeless. He recently also stopped by a street kitchen charity for the homeless in Australia and spent several hours volunteering and serving food at Melbourne’s Federation Square location.

And rather than watching the football game, Dave spent Super Bowl Sunday barbecuing for another homeless shelter in L.A.
“Happy Super Bowl Sunday from @davestruestories and Hope the Mission! Dave and his pals BBQ’d 70 pork butts for 24+ hours 😳 Right now we are here at The Woodlands Family Shelter sharing this delicious meal with our participants. Thank you to Dave and his friends from his studio for hanging out with us and spreading love through a hot meal. #foofighters turned into #foodfighters 😇” shared hopeofthevalley.

It’s wonderful to see celebrities doing what they can to help those in need.
You are Loved.
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