When a kind elementary school bus driver noticed one of his usually cheerful passengers in tears, he went out of his way to help the young boy with his situation.
Larry Farrish Jr., an elementary school bus driver in Jefferson County, Kentucky, was on his route picking up children for school when he noticed a little boy, Levi, crying at his stop with his jacket over his head.
“Normally when I pull up, he’s standing there waiting for me with a big smile, but on this day, he was sitting on the ground with a jacket over his head,” Larry said. “I asked him, ‘Hey buddy, what’s going on? What’s wrong?’”
7-year-old Levi, who had a “face full of tears” told Mr. Farrish that he didn’t have any pajamas, so he couldn’t participate in the school’s Pajama Day.
“I thought, ‘I gotta fix this,” Larry told TODAY. “It hurt me so bad. That just wasn’t my Levi, and I wanted him to have a good day. No child should have to miss out on something as small as pajama day.”
Once Larry finished making his rounds, he stopped by a local Family Dollar store and purchased a few pairs of pajamas in various sizes, then he brought them to the school’s office and asked them to get them to Levi for the school’s pajama day. Levi was overjoyed.

“I can tell Mr. Larry is nice and his heart is filled with joy,” 7-year-old Levi said. “I’m usually really happy, but not on pajama day…When he got me the pajamas, I did a happy cry.”
“It really turned the whole Friday around, for him and for me,” Larry shared.

“DRIVING JOY! When JCPS Bus Driver Larry Farrish Jr. noticed one of his typically upbeat Engelhard Elementary School students was feeling down, he learned the first grader was upset because he didn’t have pajamas for “pajama day” at school. Farrish took matters into his own hands and got brand new pajamas to the school in time to turn the student’s bad day around!” Jefferson County Public Schools shared in a post online.
Larry has been a school bus driver for seven years, and previously he worked as a corrections officer and a truck driver. He shared how being able to help children has been very fulfilling to him.
“They become my kids after they leave their parents. I make sure they get to and from school safe, but I also try to bring some type of joy to their lives,” he said.
Thousands of hearts online have appreciated Larry’s kindness.
“Mr Larry is the absolute best. We were blessed with him as our bus driver for 4 years. Top notch human,” commented Maggie W.
“One of God’s angels watching over his children. Thank you Mr. Larry,” wrote Tony A.
“I love hearing such a heartwarming story!! Especially in a time when all we typically hear is bad news about things happening in our community!! There are a lot of good people out there doing great things everyday, and I personally would enjoying hearing more of these positive stories!! Thank you Mr. Farris for your kindness and generosity!! I’m sure you have made such a positive impact in not only this young boy’s life, but in the lives of all the children you work with daily,” wrote Kelly C.
You are Loved.
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