After seeing a blind man sleeping each day on the same bus stop bench, a kind man began talking to him and eventually helped him get off of the streets.
David Beaulieu was on one of his morning walks when he noticed a homeless man, Kenny Corbin, sleeping on a concrete bench. He noticed Kenny several times sleeping on the bench, but one day he noticed something he hadn’t seen before: Kenny had a mobility stick and was blind.

“I’ve noticed Kenny sleeping on the cement bench here, and one day I saw his mobility stick,” David said. “He was holding it and actually praying. I said wow, this is crazy. This guy is blind and he’s homeless.”

Kenny had been homeless for around a year in Fort Lauderdale, and lived on the same bus concrete bench during rain and shine.
He knew how many steps it took to get to a local gas station where he could use the restroom and get some occasional food, and he showered at a nearby beach.

Concerned with how the blind homeless man was doing, David walked over to him one day and started talking with him.
“I started talking to him, got his story and I’m like wow, how does this guy hold up night by night?”
David learned about Kenny’s situation, and that he was often cold while sleeping on the bench, so David brought him two nice blankets, some food and some money.

“We tend to ignore the homeless,” David said.
“This is a blessing,” Kenny said. “I was freezing, he brought me two wonderful blankets, a little bit of money so I can buy food and stuff. It just shows me someone actually cares.”
Kenny opened up a bit more and shared his story with David. He was a truck driver for more than three decades but went blind two years ago.
“I drove a semi for 35 years, I’ve always done mechanic work,” Kenny said. “I went blind two years ago on Christmas Eve. I was working on a van. Some kind of powder when into my eye and it melted my corneas.”
He lost his vision, and soon after became homeless.
“All I have is 2 bags. A backpack and a bag. That’s it.”
Kenny believes that he can still work with a bit of mobility training.
“I can cook, I can clean, I can do everything,” he said.
David reached out to Local 10 News and together they reached out to the Salvation Army to see if they could find Kenny housing. They were able to get him accepted into a transitional housing program.
“I’m at the salvation army in a transitional housing program,” Kenny said.
“Is it better than the bus bench?” a local 10 News reporter, Jeff Weinsier, asked.
“A million times,” Kenny said with a laugh. “It’s nice, it’s warm, it’s dry. I don’t get wet when it rains.”
David is now working with a caseworker and is on his way towards getting permanent housing.

“I’ve applied for a few apartments with Catholic Services. I’m waiting for the portal to be open to apply for Section 8. A case worker is also putting in for Social Security for long term care,” he said. “Without [Jeff] and David I’d still be sitting on the bus bench on 17th Street.”

David is deeply grateful that Kenny has been able get a comfortable and safe place to sleep each night.
“You are looking sharp there man, always got a smile on your face,” David said to Kenny. “I don’t know how you do it brother, you’re an inspiration to me.”
Sometimes it just takes some compassion, a few kind words, and a little effort to help change someone’s entire world for the better.
You are Loved.
Watch this heartwarming interview with David and Kenny:
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