Tucker Farrow and Matt Mario spent more than a year growing their hair out to donate to children with cancer. The kind friends also setup a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society and have been able to raise more than $8,000.
Matt invited Tucker to grow his hair out for a good cause, as Matt has been growing and donating his hair to children with cancer for several years now.

“I thought about the idea [cutting my hair] but didn’t have any specific time frame in my mind,” Tucker explained. “So my friend gave me a reason to jump in and do it!”

The Angel Hair Foundation gives children in Oregon who have lost hair due to medical illness or treatment an Angel Hair System for free. The foundation provides the funding needed to purchase an ‘Angel Hair System’ which is a superior-quality, medical prosthesis that provides children with confidence and self-esteem and allows them to swim, sleep and play without fear of the prosthesis falling off or slipping.
Tucker and Matt were given free haircuts by The Junction Creativity Studio and together they went in for a trim. They shared a picture of their experience and Tucker was deeply happy with the results.
“Before and after photos from donating my hair to Angel Hair For Kids, where they make wigs for kids battling cancer!” Tucker shared in a post. “My friend (who also donated his hair) and I have also raised over $8,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society!”

Matt decided to join the fight against cancer several years ago after losing his grandmother.
“I am once again joining the fight against cancer,” Matt wrote on his Facebook Page Hair To Spare. “Every few years I raise money and, of course awareness, about cancer. Everyone knows and/or loves someone who has fought a battle against this awful disease. My someone was my Grannie. When I was 17 years old I watched as she fought pancreatic cancer but slowly the disease took her away from me and my family. I decided not to stand by and watch without doing anything so, at my sister’s urging, I grew my hair out so that I could cut and donate it to an organization who makes wigs for kids battling cancer. This wasn’t enough for me though. I also wanted to raise money to go towards cancer research so maybe one day we have better treatments or even a cure for some kinds of cancer.”
He has now raised more than $25,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society and wrote a thank you note to everyone who helped donate towards the cause.
“Huge thanks goes out to every single person that donated to the cause, shared any posts, or spread the word in any other way. We couldn’t have done this without all of your support,” Matt wrote. “Despite the state of the world right now we still managed to hit our target! This whole experience proved that there is still good in the world! So thank you all for all of your encouragement and support.”
Thousands online have been inspired and cheered for these wonderful young men.
“Good for you guys! I bet some kids will be happy to have new hair. Keep doing what you’re doing. I’m glad to see others caring for others in need in a time of crisis,” wrote twinkie787 on reddit.
“Wow you and your friend are amazing humans with beautiful souls. thank you and keep being you!!! awesome. you’re gonna push so many to do good deeds now and you’re helping these kids!” shared mymorningbowl.
“Such a kind thing to do, also you look great,” wrote IStillSkip.
“What a great thing for you both to do, together! I love it! I grew up in a time that any half-way cool guy friends all had long hair. My boyfriend in H. S. had longer hair than I! Now, of course, all styles are accepted, and people generally try many diff looks. I really love how you look in your “after” picture! Keep making a difference in this world, and remember that many others that you’ll never hear from will be touched by your efforts. We never know what “ripples” will emanate from one act of kindness, in the midst of hate and hostility…or courage, in the face of great fear and trepidation…or integrity, in a landscape of dishonesty and corruption. Keep doing those big and little things that bring joy to the lives of those around you. It is only in giving that we can find true satisfaction with ourselves,” wrote chereiread2.
Keep up the wonderful work Tucker and Matt.
If inspired, donations for The Angel Hair Foundation can be made here.
You are Loved.
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Please share kindness with others: when we share stories and examples of compassion and kindness, we inspire and encourage others to be kind and compassionate in their daily lives, making the world a better place for everyone.
— Understanding Compassion (@U_Compassion) August 19, 2020