When a 10-month-old baby boy needed an advanced medical operation to live, his parents did not know what to do, as they could not afford to pay for the procedure. When they had run out of options and had nearly lost all hope, they were answered by a shining light of kindness from soccer star Christiano Ronaldo.
10-month-old Erik Cruz has a condition called cortical dysplasia, a rare brain disorder which causes him to experience roughly 30 epileptic seizures each day. The only medical solution is a special type of brain surgery, which costs 60,000 euros ($83,000).
Ronaldo, a soccer star who was labeled by FIFA as the world’s top player, saw the request for a signed jersey and a signed pair of old cleats to sell to help raise funds for little Erik’s surgery, and he learned about the child’s story.
He not only sent little Erik the signed jersey and signed cleats, but he also offered and then paid for the entire $83,000 medical procedure bill, and told Erik’s parents that he will cover the costs of any follow-up treatments needed.
To everyone’s heartfelt joy, the surgery was a success, and little Erik has made a remarkable recovery. As the 10-month-old does have a scar on his head from the surgery, Ronaldo shaved a zig-zag on part of his head during a major game to pay tribute to little Erik.

Ronaldo has been known in the past to compassionately help children in need, as he had previously paid for the cancer treatment of a nine-year-old boy and regularly lends his time to visit and encourage sick children in various hospitals.
When Ronaldo was awarded the European golden boot award, rather than let the trophy sit in his already packed trophy room, he decided to sell it and donate the proceeds, £1.2 million, to a charity which builds schools in war-torn Gaza. Sources reported Ronaldo also privately giving £5million shortly after to the Nepal Earthquake relief fund after the 2015 Earthquake.

He recently donated another trophy at a Make-A-Wish Foundation charity event, raising £530,000 for children in need. When he was given a €100,000 bonus from the European governing body, he turned around and donated it to the Red Cross.

Ronaldo uses his fame and fortune to help and encourage hospitalized children wherever he can. He regularly gives out free tickets to his private stadium box so they can have a great time and also see him play.
Ronaldo is currently an ambassador for three wonderful charities: Save The Children, Unicef and World Vision, to all of which he makes very large private donations.

Ronaldo’s generosity has helped countless lives, showing us what a wonderful difference a celebrity can make when they choose to value love and compassion over money. Little Erik will thankfully be able to live a life free from daily seizures, thanks to Ronaldo’s kindness.
You are Loved.
See Also: An Anonymous Donor Pledged £150,000 For His Leukemia Treatment