Understanding Compassion
After Winning $22M Jackpot, Kind Man Honors Promise From 30 Years...
After winning a $22 million dollar Powerball jackpot, a kind man honored a 30-year-old promise and gave half of his winnings to his best...
Kind Man Didn’t Start His Car For A Month Until Dove’s...
After a kind man discovered a dove had nested on his car's windshield and had laid her eggs, he decided to not use his...
Kind Family Bought New Car For Beloved Teacher Who Could Not...
After a kind family learned that their daughter's teacher was taking multiple buses in the heat and cold just to get to school each...
Kind Man Mowed Veteran’s Overgrown Yard For Free, Gave Him $10K...
After mowing a stranger's lawn for free and learning that he hadn't eaten in two days, a kind man raised $10,000 to help get...
Kind Man Did 365 Random Acts Of Kindness In 365 Days:...
A kind young father from Chicago spent a year doing a random act of kindness each day for a year in order to set...