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Understanding Compassion


Kind Family Went Through Belongings To Bring Extra Blankets, Clothes And...

A kind family went through all of their belongings and decided to give everything they didn't need to the homeless living in a local...

Kind Company Made Lifetime Supply Of A Discontinued Cup For Boy...

When the father of a boy with nonverbal autism asked for help finding a special type of cup; the only one his son would...

Kind Boys Helped Pick Up An Elderly Man Who Fell While...

When an elderly man with a walker fell while exiting a bus, three kind young boys ran over and helped him back to his...

Kind Stranger Gave Woman $50; He Was A Homeless Man She...

When a former homeless man saw a woman who had helped him in the past, he gave her a $50 dollar bill and a...

Kind Couple Learned Waitress Walked 14 Miles To Work; Returned Later...

When a kind couple learned that their waitress was walking 14 miles roundtrip to work while trying to save for a car, they went...