#TrashTag is an environmentally friendly challenge in the same lineage as the Ice Bucket Challenge and the Harlem Shake, which asks people to find an area with lots of litter and help clean it up.
People take before and after photos, and then post them with the hashtag #trashtag in order to inspire their friends to help clean up planet Earth.
Byron Roman originally posted the challenge online and has since had more than 300,000 shares for this wonderful cause.
“Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens,” Byron wrote in a post online. “Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it.”
Kind hearts from around the globe have been finding places with lots of litter, taking a “before photo,” and then cleaning it all up while snapping an after clean-up victory picture and then uploading both to social media.
This environmentally conscious viral trend is making a real difference, as tens of thousands of Facebookers, Instagrammers and Redditers have been cleaning up their communities while sharing their good news online.
Here are a few of the wonderful results of this online challenge:

#TrashTag’ing while off-roading in the mountains of California.

#Trashtag is a wonderful way to get environmentally conscious by having fun and keeping nature clean at the same time. If you haven’t already participated, please find a place near you that has some litter and complete the challenge! Make sure to share your #trashtag photos online as well to encourage and inspire others to help keep our beautiful planet clean and pollution free.
You are Loved.