Colin Farrell changed the life of a homeless man nicknamed ‘Stress’ after meeting him on a break during filming.
Colin Farrell, an actor, was in Toronto, Canada, to film a movie when he heard on the radio that the station was offering a $2,000 prize to whoever could get Colin to show up at their studio. After hearing about the contest, he went outside and walked around until he found a homeless man, David Woods, nicknamed ‘Stress’.

Colin brought David to the radio station and let him claim the $2,000 prize. He then said that he wanted to take David shopping, so they went to an outdoor gear store and he bought David anything he wanted.
“The homeless guy was grabbing… whatever he wanted,” said Dave Mott, manager of Europe Bound, an outdoor gear store in Toronto. “Colin was walking around with the guy and doing the same thing; grabbed a sleeping bag and back pack, came back down and grabbed more clothing. They seemed like they were really good friends and they were best buddies, like they’ve known each other for years.”

“Get him what he wants, get him the best,” Dave recalled Colin saying.
He talked with someone who works for Colin and he learned that this is something he regularly does for people in need.
“Apparently, he does this quite a bit,” Dave shared.
After setting David up with everything he could use, Colin’s heart felt that he wanted to do more, so he brought David to an ATM. He withdrew a month’s worth of rent for a potential apartment, and told David that he wanted him to find somewhere to live and that this was his first month’s rent payment. Colin told David he would stay in contact with him and would pay his rent for the rest of the year.
Colin also gave ‘Stress’ a copy of a book he personally really likes called ‘The Voice of God’ written by the Persian poet Hafiz.
“To David, wishing you continued peace and strength, C” Colin wrote in the book for David.

Colin’s compassion for David has helped him turn his life around.
“Him reaching out with me, in my journey, somehow gave me a good lift, of hope,” David shared. “He’s a down to earth guy, he’s willing to help you out, and he showed respect. With that, it goes a long way.”

Watch This Video Of Colin Farrell Helping A Homeless Man, Who Now Is No Longer Homeless:
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