After a young boy helped a garbage man carry out the trash on multiple pickups, the kind sanitation worker brought him an official company hat to wear.
A reddit user shared the heartwarming moment of seeing his little nephew help bring the trash out and receiving a brand new Waste Management hat.
“Every Thursday morning my little nephew waits for the garbage man to arrive so he can help,” Ben shared in a post online. “Today they brought him a WM hat to wear.”

The little boy loves helping with the trash so much he even had a tiny yellow WM vest and yellow winter hat to match the sanitation worker’s uniform, which may have been gifted previously.

Thousands online have appreciated the sweet moment shared between the boy and the sanitation worker.
“This is what I needed to see today,” wrote one grateful heart.
“His hard work has been rewarded!” wrote another.
“I love this”,” commented another.
You are Loved.
Post by @understanding_compassionView on Threads
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