When a kind woman saw a homeless man asking for spare change, she sat down with him, shared her lunch and spoke with him like a friend.
Darrin Hand was walking in downtown Oklahoma City on a work break when he noticed a homeless person sitting on the side of the street asking for spare change.
“Today on the streets of downtown OKC, I passed a man simply asking for change as he held out an empty shoe polish canister,” Darrin N Tory Hand shared in a post online.
A few minutes later when walking back to his office, Darrin noticed a business woman walk up to the homeless man, give him half of her chicken wrap, and enjoy lunch together with him like a friend.
“On my return trip to the office, I found him and this woman sitting together. She sat down, cut her chicken wrap in half, and shared it with him. She did not leave, she sat and talked and asked genuine questions that many of us would ask while out to lunch with a friend.”

Darrin appreciated that the woman took her time to not only help the homeless man, but to love him and treat him like a human being.
“She did not treat him like a person to help, but a person to love…” Darrin said.
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