As family members are deeply concerned about their loved ones with preexisting conditions contracting the coronavirus, one FedEx delivery driver’s thoughtfulness caught on video has touched thousands of hearts around the world.
Carrie Blasi of Boca Raton, Florida, has an 11-year-old daughter with type 1 diabetes, which puts her in the high-risk group of life-threatening symptoms if exposed to the coronavirus. She has a personalized sign on their front door to inform delivery drivers of her situation, and she had just ordered some medicine for her daughter, Emma.

“She is not more prone to COVID-19, but if she gets it, she may not recover,” Carrie explained.
She checks her daughter’s glucose levels every two hours and uses an insulin pump to help her avoid low blood sugar.
The sign reads:
“STOP — Someone in this house has an autoimmune disorder. Those who are immuno-compromised are more likely to contract coronavirus (COVID-19) and experience life-threatening complications. Due to the widespread outbreak of this virus we are using an abundance of caution through practicing self-isolation and social distancing. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please leave packages/deliveries on the doorstep.”

As FedEx driver Justin Bradshaw was dropping off Emma’s medicine, he happened to read the note on their front door. While the note only asks that packages be left on the doorstep so that they can sit for one to three days to reduce any amount of possible coronavirus, Justin decided to go back to his truck for some sanitizing wipes, wipe down the entire package so that it was safe, and then he wrote a sweet message on the box.

“We have a sign on our door for packages/mail as our 11 year old daughter is a type 1 diabetic [and] our federal express delivery guy wrote this on our box: ‘I sanitized your box once I’ve seen the note on your door,” Carrie explained.

Carrie could tell that the box had been cleaned with sanitizer wipes as she could see the scanner sticker had some of the ink smeared by a liquid.
“You can tell that he used sanitizer wipes on the box. Amazing!!!” she said. “I couldn’t believe that he took the time to sanitize the box, who does that? He went above and beyond.”
Carrie was moved by the kind note left by the driver and also by him going the extra mile to sanitize their delivery. She checked their security camera and found footage of Justin’s delivery, shared it online, and it has since gone viral.
“I wanted to encourage others to be kind and helpful, especially during this time.”
Justin was later interviewed and he shared that he understands taking precautions as he has a one-year-old daughter who was born prematurely.
“She was the size of my hand,” he said.
Justin keeps extra gloves, wipes, and masks in his truck and said that he often helps sanitize packages.
“I keep gloves, wipes and masks in my truck and an extra set of clothing to change into before going inside my house after work,” he said. “When I come home, I take a 15 minute shower before greeting my family.”
“I feel like we should all do something to better the situation right now.”
Carrie and her daughter thanked Justin profusely after they were able to connect online.
“From my family’s heart, we just thank you so much,” Carrie said. “It gives me hope for the future and we will be OK. This is such bad thing right now. We have people out there that care. That single act made me forget about everything we have been going through since the first of March.”
“I really appreciate what you did for us,” said her daughter Emma.
Watch Justin’s delivery in the video below:
You are Loved.