Coronavirus has taken a lot of people and you’re still alive. Take a moment and thank God for the Gift of Life.
More Related Quotes:
“At the end of the day, I am thankful that my blessings are bigger than my problems.”
“Having somewhere to go is Home. Having someone to love is Family. Having both is a Blessing.”
“The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.”
~James E. Faust

Please Go Out Of Your Way To
Be Extra Kind At The Grocery Store.
Those working are doing the best they can;
providing a great service for us at their risk.
They have no control over the items that
are sold out. Please respect their space and
honor social distancing for them, as well
as others waiting in life. It could literally
save a life.
To all the workers on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic: Thank you for all you are doing.
To all nurses and doctors: thank you for all you are doing to take care of people with the coronavirus, we admire you greatly.
Thank you to all janitors and custodial workers, cleaning and sanitizing the facilities that we all use.
If 2020 is telling us anything… it’s telling us to enjoy the moments we have and don’t take any day… anything… or anyone for granted. Amen.
Coronavirus prayer: I pray for healing for all those affected by this virus. We pray that all negative outcomes be resolved in your healing hands. Amen.
“Concentrate on counting your blessings and you’ll have little time to count anything else.”
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
~Willie Nelson
“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
~Mr. Rogers
Prayers and thanks for nurses, doctors, and all the workers involved with the coronavirus. They need all the help they can get. Amen.
You are Loved.
See Also: Kind Store Owner Goes Viral After Giving The Elderly Free ‘Coronavirus Packs’, Let’s Thank Them