When Justen Crumpton was shopping with her mother and sister at a store in Alabama, the unexpected kindness of a stranger left her deeply inspired.
“I’m thankful for the kindness of a stranger,” Justen wrote in a post online. “Yesterday, my mom, sister and I went shopping to try and finish up Christmas shopping. If you know me at all, you know I love to insert myself into other’s conversations, EVEN IF THEY ARE COMPLETE STRANGERS! This drives my sister CrAzY.”
As she made her way through Von Maur, she noticed two men standing near a display of UGGS boots that she herself had been wanting for more than five years.
“We were walking through Von Maur to put some bags in the car. These two men were standing by the UGGS display. I stopped and jokingly said, ‘If you are shopping for your girl, then get her these,’ and pointed to a certain pair.”
“Then I told them I have been asking for them for five years. I laughed and started to walk away.”
While Justen was simply trying to make light-hearted conversation, the kind man in the store was moved by what she had said.
“The man said ‘FIVE YEARS?!’ I turned around and laughed some more and said, ‘Yes!’ Then he said, ‘Oh, and you have a baby. (I was wearing Beau in a baby wrap) Wait right there.'”
The kind stranger walked right up to the register to find an associate, and then paid for the UGGS, and handed them to Justen.
“Then he proceeded to go get an associate from the store and BOUGHT THE UGGS FOR ME!!!!! Right there in the middle of the store! I was in shock! He simply said, ‘Just pay it forward.’”

While the kind stranger was at the register, his daughter, who was also nearby, began a friendly conversation with Justen. She shared that her father had grown up an orphan, and that his difficult childhood had made him keen to always help others as an adult.
“His daughter that was with him told me he grew up an orphan and turned his life into something and he always wants to give to others.”
“As a mom with three girls and a new baby boy I do not buy things for myself a lot… It was such a wonderful blessing,” Justen said.
The stranger’s good deed inspired Justen, and she plans to pay it forward by helping someone else in the near future, continuing the ripple of kindness.
“Spread kindness like confetti! I may not be able to surprise someone with UGGS, but I hope I can make someone’s day soon!” she said.
Many hearts have loved what this kind stranger did for Justen.
“The world would be a better place if everyone had that kind of kindness. God bless you sir,” commented Mary D.
“What a beautiful man! Such a touching story! Thank you for sharing! xoxo” wrote Chantal B.
“I try to always pay it forward when I can. I remember hard times when I was a single mom trying to survive? an act of kindness goes a long way!” shared Gina J.
“Kindness, goodness, sharing, helping, it all goes hand in hand with God. While shopping at Christmas time, a young woman was shopping in front of us. She tried her card three time to pay for a toy for her daughter and three times it was refused. I asked her if I could pay for it, she said I didn’t need to do it, but I told her I did. I said your daughter needs to have a happy Christmas. She hugged me. I have never before or since felt such a warm feeling as I did that day. Let’s all try to pay it forward this year. Merry Christmas everyone,” shared Sally S.
You are Loved.
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