After learning that a Grandmother’s car broke down, while she was helping raise her two granddaughters, a kind stranger gifted her a new one.
Meri is a sweet 70-year-old Grandma, and due to some difficult family circumstances she is raising her two grandchildren ages 7 and 13. A while ago the timing chain on her car broke, and the car’s engine became unrepairable. Unable to continue driving, her only option with her grandchildren has been to try and get a ride or to walk with the girls to school, the grocery store, to their counseling appointments and to other activities. Her 7-year-old wasn’t feeling well recently, and Meri ended up walking to the store at 11pm at night in order to get her some 7Up to try and help her feel better.

Meri is widowed and living on a limited income, and she has spent much of her life volunteering and helping others, especially younger people. Over the years, her kindness and service have been recognized by her community through many awards. Through her voluneerism she previously received the Idaho Falls Citizen of the Year Award, Eight Who Make A Difference, Grand Marshall of the 4th of July parade and the JC Penney Golden Rule award. Her big heart has always seemed to help and be there for others.
A kind stranger learned of Meri’s car situation and how her and her grandchildren were now walking everywhere, so they bought her a brand new Honda CRV and let East Idaho News deliver it to her during their Secret Santa Special.
As they handed Meri her surprise present with the car keys inside, she held back tears.
“Oh my… no… are you for real?” she asked after seeing the keys.

It turns out that the day before, while her and her granddaughter were going to the store, the 7-year-old saw a U-Haul and innocently said, “Oh look Grandma! We could rent one of those to drive!”

Meri’s voice had a tender sadness when sharing that story, as she may have felt guilty she was not able to drive her granddaughter where she needed to go anymore. But thanks to the kindness and generosity of a stranger, and the beautifulness of God’s timing and love, Meri and her grandchildren will now be able to safely get anywhere they need.

Meri was overwhelmed with gratitude as tears filled her eyes.
“You guys are really amazing… You don’t know how ecstatic my girls are going to be…” she said.

“Thank you so much…”
Watch this heartwarming video of Meri being surprised with her new car:
You are Loved.
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