What is Love? (in 1 sentence or less) 
What does love mean to you? 
When someone helps you and they’re struggling too, that’s not help, that’s Love. 
Never leave home without a Kiss, a Hug, and an ‘I Love You.’ 
A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and people cannot live without love. 
I hope you fall in love with someone who always calls you back and never lets you fall asleep making you feel unwanted. I hope you fall in love with someone who holds your hand during the scary parts of movies and burns cookies with you while you’re both busy dancing around the kitchen. I hope you fall in love with someone who tickles you and makes you smile on hard days and on easy ones. But beyond all that I hope you fall in love with someone who will never leave you behind and who will never take you for granted. Someone who will stand by you when you’re right and stand by you when you’re wrong. Someone who has seen you at your worst and loves you still. I hope you fall in love with someone who kisses you in the rain and hugs you when you’re cold and wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Love does not need to be perfect, it just has to be true. 
Self Love is unconditional acceptance of all aspects of one’s self. It is; “I Am Enough, Just As I Am.”
~Mimi Shannon 
Always Remember who was there for you when you were at your Lowest. 
You can’t wrap Love in a box, but you can wrap a person in a Hug. 
You have to Love Yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you. ~Dodinsky 
You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real Change begins with Self-Love and Self-Care.
~Jessica Ortner 
You live, you love, you lose, you hurt, you cry but you learn. And you love again, because it’s beautiful when it’s good.
~Brigitte Nicole 
Life is too Short; Hug a little Longer, Love a little Stronger, Forgive a little Sooner, Smile a little Sweeter. 
Dear Best Friend… Just a daily reminder that you are Beautiful and I Love You. 
Do you ever look at your children or grandchildren and feel your Heart Melting because you love them so much? 
A Mother’s Love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even if the heart is breaking. 
Mom, I Love You For all the times I forgot to thank you, for all the special little things you do, for all the words that sometimes go unspoken, I need to say, “Mom, I love you.” I love you for the way you stop and listen, and for your kind support throughout the years, for teaching me the meaning of compassion, and for sharing my triumphs and my tears. If at times I may have seemed ungrateful, I hope you can truly see, that nothing you’ve done has been forgotten, each day you’ve meant more and more to me. 
All of Us are better when we are Loved. 
Be Nice To People because the world can be a very difficult place and we all need a little help sometimes. 
There is Always, Always, Always Somebody that Loves You. Always. 
I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day, or sleep well, what I’m really saying is, “I Love You.” 
It’s not our job to fix people, change people or judge people. It’s our job to Love People. 
Always Listen To Your Heart. It may be on your left, but it is Always Right. 
To the people who love me, Thank You. I am so grateful you are in my life. 
You are Loved