Kind Bus Driver Stopped Bus To Help Fix The Bike Of A Child After He Saw The Boy Was Crying

When a kind bus driver saw a child pushing his bike on the sidewalk while crying, he pulled his bus over, went outside and fixed the child’s bike.

A reddit user was riding on the route 18 OCtranspo bus to St Laurent in Ottawa, Canada, when he noticed a young child crying while pushing his bike across the crosswalk.

“The bus was about to make a right turn when the kid was crossing the street on his bike slowly, visibly crying with no parents nearby,” reddit user riot284 shared in a post online.

As he was turning the bus, the driver opened his window and asked the child if he was okay. He pulled over and stepped outside to make sure the young boy wasn’t hurt, and found that the reason he was upset was that the chain had fallen off of his bicycle. The kind driver then took a moment and fixed the chain on the boy’s bike, and then hopped back on the bus.

“As the driver was turning he asked out the window if he was okay, so he got out of the bus to make sure he wasn’t hurt. All it turned out to be was the chain on the bike appeared to had fallen off, so he hooked it back on for him and got back on the bus.”

Moved by the bus driver’s kindness, the rider took a quick photo and later shared it online.

Photo credit: riot284/reddit

“Gold star to the OCtranspo driver on route 18 to St. Laurent, stopped the bus to run across the street and help a little kid with his bike,” his post read.

“There are still people doing random acts of kindness.”

Thousands of hearts online appreciated the bus driver’s kindness for the young crying child, and the transit company he works for compiled an email consisting of many of the warmhearted comments people left for him from around the world. His wife also later shared that she was very proud of him.

“This makes me happy,” shared one grateful heart.

“Aww I love this ❤️” wrote another.

“I had a private snow plow operator motion to me to move out of the way when I was shoveling the driveway as a kid, then he did it all for me in a couple minutes. Saved me 30 minutes. I’ll never forget that guy,” commented another.

You are Loved.

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