After learning that a recovering father has been sober for five years and is now looking to go back to school for counseling, a kind stranger bought him a new laptop and paid one year’s worth of his rent.
Nick has been recovering from an alcohol and drug addiction for the past five years. He has an 11-month-old daughter who he is raising on his own, and he works a full time job delivering pizza. He doesn’t have much family in his area in Idaho, and while he loves his daughter with all his heart, caring for a newborn by himself while waking up at 4am each day for work has been a struggle over the past year.

Nick has not only spent the past five years recovering himself, but he also volunteers as a peer support and recovery coach at J&M Mental Health, and he wants to go back to school to study social work and to get a degree in counseling.
A kind stranger wanted to help Nick, so they donated enough to pay for a new laptop for him and they also paid for one year’s worth of his rent. East Idaho News ordered a pizza from Nick’s Dominos, and when he arrived, they presented him with his surprise Secret Santa gifts.

Nick was deeply grateful, and did his best to hold back tears.
“There’s so many more people that need it, than I do,” Nick selflessly said.
“Well it’s for you,” Nate Eaton, who presented him with the gifts, said.

When asked how he would encourage others who may be in a similar situation, Nick said to “Just keep moving forward.”
“Just keep moving forward. Pushing forward. And… it’s hard, but it’s worth it,” Nick said.

Watch this heartwarming video as Nick is surprised with one year’s worth of rent during his pizza delivery:
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