When a man’s check hadn’t cleared in time and his card was declined at the store, a kind stranger in line behind him paid for his groceries.
Jason Boudreaux, 46, was getting groceries from Cade’s Market in St. Martinville, Louisiana, and while in the checkout line when he tried to use his debit card, the cashier told him that it was declined.
“Much respect for this young gentleman,” Jason wrote in a post online. “I deposited my payroll check an hour prior, thought the money would have hit. I never deposit checks etc… don’t know it could take a day or so. I had groceries that were way more expensive than a Starbucks cup of coffee. I told him hello while we were waiting in line. My turn, the cashier said her computer said I had insufficient funds.”
With a decent amount of groceries and unsure of what to do, while thinking about his situation, the young stranger who he had said hello to in line spoke up and said he would pay for his groceries.
“This lil gentleman said “I got you.” I said no you don’t you probably didn’t hear the price. He responded, “Yes sir I did, and I got you…”
Jason’s heart was moved by the stranger’s kindness.
“New Iberia help me recognize this gentleman. I scrambled to my car to give him my business card, so I can repay him. He said no problem, but it is a problem to me owing money to anyone. But the point of this is the dude just stepped up for a complete stranger, he should be recognized.”

To Jason this experience was deeply meaningful, because earlier that day before he went to the store, he had been talking to one of his best friends, who is a priest.
“He said, ‘Jason, did you find your ghost yet?’” Jason said. “He was talking about the Holy Ghost… I always have interesting stories for him because I’m visiting church offices and cemeteries [for work]. And I said, ‘No, father, I’m actually off right now. I’m waiting to go grocery shop, that’s it. I need to pick up some seafood.”
Jason said that he still needed to find “his ghost” and told his friend “OK, if you insist, I will try.”
After this conversation is when he met the stranger who helped him in line at the supermarket.
Jason shared his story online and learned that the kind stranger’s name is Kevin Jones, a 28-year-old truck driver.

“Coming from where I come from in Louisiana, it’s not a very wealthy town. I know that feeling,” Kevin said when asked about seeing Jason have his card declined. “So not having the right amount of funds to pay for groceries, I know that feeling. I see a lot of people going through that, and not a lot of people are willing to make a sacrifice and step up and help the next person.”
After paying Jason’s bill, Kevin simply went on with his day and didn’t even tell his wife about the exchange. Later a friend let him know that he had seen a story about him online of him helping someone in a grocery store. Jason and Kevin connected, and Jason invited him over for a “family day” dinner, and they all had a wonderful time.

“Just found out it is Mr Jones Birthday today,” Jason shared. “Facebook help me wish him the best of birthdays to someone as of two days ago was a complete stranger. Now he’s coming to my mother’s for Family Day / now Kevin Jones Birthday celebration.”

The two have since become good friends.
“He invites me to go to his fishing spot and every Sunday, he wants me to come over,” Kevin said. “The family wants to meet (my) kids and whatnot.”

Jason said that he feels that the two of them are now like brothers.
“I would describe it more as brothers,” Jason said when asked how he’d describe their friendship. “He’s honestly one of the most sincere souls I’ve met… and I’ve met many.”
You are Loved.
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