A school bus driver in New Jersey saw two children on her bus sitting with and encouraging a young boy who has trouble walking, and wrote a letter to the children’s parents to thank them.
Cindy Clausen, who drives the #50 school bus in Princeton, New Jersey, has been noticing something on her bus that moved her heart.

Each day she sees a young brother and sister, Annaliese and Jorge, encourage their bus mate, 7-year-old Jaxon.
Jaxon has an undiagnosed illness and has trouble walking, so there are some days when he is carried on to the school bus by his mom, and others where he struggles to get on and off the bus himself.

“She just leaned out in the aisle and she cheered him on, she said, “Come on, Jaxon, you can do it!” and I thought “Oh my God…” It just touched my heart,” the bus driver said of Annaliese. “Her brother walked by the seat and said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got Jaxon’s backpack!” and he picked it up and carried it out for him.”

Each day Annaliese and Jorge try to sit with Jackson on the bus and have made him their friend, and seeing their compassion for the boy each morning overwhelmed Cindy’s heart. She felt the need to write a thank you letter to their parents for raising such wonderful children. The letter was shared with Love What Matters and thousands of hearts have been moved by it.

“Dear Jorge and Leonor,” the letter reads.
“I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out! This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.
I have a child on my bus named Jackson. Both of your children have shown him so much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jackson.
Some days Jackson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles. Jackson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.
Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, “come on Jackson, you can do it” and when we arrived at school, Jackson took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!
I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows!
Cindy Clausen
Bus # 50″

When asked, little Annaliese shared how showing happiness in your heart is how to be happy.
“If you be mean to people they will be sad and cry, and to be happy you have to show happiness in your heart,” Annaliese said.

Jackson’s mother, Belmax DeJesus, shared how grateful she is that her son is surrounded by kind children like Annaliese and Jorge.
“I’m just grateful for those children. I’m grateful Jaxon is surrounded by kids like these,” she said. “Jaxon’s so happy when he sees them. They made this little bond, they became friends. They would bring him little toys and they would ask to sit with him every day. They made him happy.”
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