After a triathlete got confused on the path direction and mistakenly ran into a barrier, the kind runner who was behind him waited to let him cross the finish line and earn the medal.
British athlete James Teagle was running in the Santander Triathlon in Spain, a course which includes 1500 meters of swimming, 41 kilometers of cycling and 10 kilometers of running, and he was less than 100 meters from finishing and earning a medal.

After giving it his all, he was on course to win 3rd place, but as he reached the final turn to cross the finish line, he mistakenly kept running straight and ran into one of the barriers which separated the crowd from the runners, causing him visible frustration.

Spanish athlete Diego Méntrida was close behind James, and after James was confused and took the wrong turn, Diego advanced to the lead, with less than 50 meters to go in the race.

A 3rd place finish in the Santander Triathlon comes with a cash prize and medal, but rather than taking the win for himself, Diego stopped before crossing the finish line. He had noticed that James had confused the final turn direction, so being the good sportsman he is, he waited until James crossed the finish line and then followed behind him for a 4th place finish.

“He didn’t notice the signs, or they were misaligned,” Diego later shared. “When I saw that he had missed the route, I just stopped. James deserved this medal.”
The two shared a handshake and a hug, and James was deeply grateful, sharing how it was an incredible display of sportsmanship. The winner of the race, Javier Noya, was also deeply impressed and said it was one of the greatest gestures he had ever personally seen in sports.
Thousands of hearts from around the world have appreciated Diego’s kindness for James.
“The real value of SPORT in a single gesture,” wrote soccer player Adrian Miguel.
“He is a true champion, this is sportsmanship… Salute to Diego, he deserves all credit. For me, he is the Gold Medalist!” commented Davis Cup Tennis Player Nitin Kirtane.
“We need more of this in the world today,” wrote Julie S.
Watch This Heartwarming Video Of Diego Waiting To Let James Cross The Finish Line Before Him:
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