A kind young man completed the 50 Yard Challenge by mowing 50 yards for free for the elderly, disabled, veterans and single parents.
Nathaniel Miller of Idaho decided to use his free time to help those in need in his community by completing the 50 Yard Challenge; a youth leadership challenge which asks our younger generation to help their neighbors by mowing their lawns for free. The program not only helps with yards, but it rewards and inspires young men and women towards charity work by devoting a portion of their time towards helping others.

“Meet Nathaniel Miller. He just completed the 50 Yard Challenge in Idaho. Nathaniel mowed 50 yards for free this spring and early summer.”

“The 50 Yard Challenge asks boys and girls, ages 7 to 17, to cut 50 lawns FREE for the elderly, disabled, single parents, veterans, and anyone in need of help in their town. Congratulations, Nathaniel, and thank you for helping others.”
Nathaniel’s smile shows shows us how much he has enjoyed helping others.

The 50 Yard Challenge was created by Rodney Smith Jr. and Terrence Stroy, who run the nonprofit Raising Men & Women Lawn Care Service, which seeks to show kindness and compassion to elders, those who are disabled, single mothers and veterans by mowing their lawns for free.

Rodney challenges young men and women all over the country to mow 50 lawns for free for people in need. They join by posting a photo online of themselves holding a sign which reads “I accept the 50 yard challenge,” and then they get to work.
They get t-shirts celebrating their accomplishments, and after reaching 50 lawns mowed for free, they are given their very own lawnmower to continue helping others.

“So let’s say you had a kid in New York that accepted the challenge,” Rodney explained. “All they would need to do is make a sign saying, ‘I accept the 50 Yard Challenge,’ and in return, we send them a white Raising Men & Women Lawn Care Service T-shirt, along with shades and ear protection. Once they mow 10 lawns, they get an orange shirt, 20 a green, 30 a blue, 40 a red and 50 a black. And once they reach 50, we fly to them, we do lawns with them and we also give them brand new lawnmowers.”

Thousands of hearts online have appreciated Nathaniel’s good deeds.
“Fantastic! Great job, Nate, and you’ve probably made 50 new friends in the process,” wrote Jean E.
“This is a wonderful program for boys and girls. They learn the importance of helping others and their community. Great work, Nathaniel!” commented Phyllis T.
“That’s such an incredible thing to do. Proud parents and family. You’re awesome,” shared Darcie H.
You are Loved.
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